
Ruelas 16″ Ranch Cutter #2736


Tree: Buster Welch (Lifetime Tree Warranty)  | Skirt length 27.5”   | Gullet width 6 3/4”   | Swell height 8 3/4”   | Rigging: Full Double   | Stirrups: Wooden Nettles   | Tooling: Light/Medium Oiled w/ Acorn tooling   | Roughout Seat and Fender   | Cantle height 3” – regular Cheyenne roll – 100% Wool Lining – Hermann Oak Leather
Choice between Buster Welch & Donn Leson
Choose the Leather Color. If multiple colors please write specifically what you require below To see the color selection for your saddle (Click Here)
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To see tooling patterns, To see the tooling patterns (CLICK HERE)
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Select the Slotted Concho Number below if you want strings on your saddle. To see the slotted concho selection for your saddle (Click Here)
(This will open a separate window so you don’t lose your place) *If you want strings you MUST choose concho with string slots
Select the Screw Back Concho Number below: To see our Screw Back Concho Collection (Click Here)
(This will open in a seperate window so you will not lose your place). *If you want strings you MUST choose concho with string slots
Select from options below: To see the Buck Stitching Color selection for your saddle (Click Here)
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Seat Cover Material Choice & Color Select your seat cover choice and color below: To see our Seat Cover choices (Click Here)
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Many Banks and Credit Card Companies may have spending limits or flag larger purchases as suspicious for your credit protection. We recommend notifying your Bank/Credit Card Company BEFORE purchasing a saddle through our website so your Saddle Order/s does not fail.
By selecting the “Approved” option below you fully agree to the following; I have fully reviewed and double-checked my website custom saddle order prior to submitting. Every customization is as I requested. The outcome and all design features of the finished saddle are as I marked in this saddle order.
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Additional Information

Weight 35 lbs
Dimensions 32 × 28 × 28 in


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